The Problem with Mascot Horror Is a Symptom of a Broader Problem

It isn't exactly a secret that a lot of horror has kinda sucked in recent years. Pretty much everyone (except large horror youtubers I guess) can look at the infestation of Garten of Banbans, Hello Neighbors, and Poppy Playtimes and identify them as a problem. Most people understand that the horror genre is being diluted with shitty media designed for kids. Not to scare kids mind you, to entertain them. Most people figure this out and blame the individual creators for being greedy and call it a day but I think there is more going on than that.

For a start, it might be useful to ask why people make this media. The answer is that they do it to follow trends. The natural next question is why someone would want to follow social trends. The truth is that an artist's livelihood is in most cases reliant on them having a consistent audience and the best way to make sure you have one of those is to follow a trend in a way that requires the least amount of effort. This of course leads to the enshitification of art as every artist is forced to do this to make a living.

The short-term solution to this problem is not only to support artists (which you should still do) but to support them in a way that makes them feel like they will have a stable income. If an artist feels like they have a stable income then they will be more likely to take risks. This means doing things like donating to their patreons (or patreon alternatives), engaging in long-term business deals with them, or something like that.

The long-term solution is to raise artists out of the gig economy (and abolish the gig economy) and give them more salaried positions. If they don't have to worry about losing their ability to put food on the table if they make art that people don't like then they will be more willing to make more "risky" art.